The Revolution School’s BEI šŸ¤–šŸ¦¦ (Belief Entity Identifier) Project

Feb 26, 2023

Feb 26, 2023

This spring, youā€™re invited to join our Artists in Residence, The Revolution School, in a highly interactive process ā€” bringing together scientists, engineers, artists, designers, somatic practitioners, theorists, ethicists, ANY and ALL feeler-thinkers ā€” to discuss, play, co-design, and co-build trauma-informed somatic AI. Weā€™re hosting an information session in early April to introduce interested participants to the project, in preparation for up-coming BEI šŸ¤–šŸ¦‘ Thinky Feely Tank workshops in April and May, leading up to a multi-day BEI šŸ¤–šŸØ Hack House Build-A-Thon Retreat in June. If youā€™re intrigued and want to learn more about liberatory machine co-worlding, or want to contribute your own feely-thoughts on how to co-build this kind of intra-species/intra-mattering, somatic AI robot animal, sign up to receive more info about this program. No experience or technical skills needed. Curiosity welcomed ā€” itā€™s about the questions you bring, not the skills šŸ’– Keep in touch with BEI šŸ¤–šŸž Some questions this project will engage with:

  • What is liberatory AI and what must our processes include if we desire to co-create liberatory AI?
  • How are ritual and ceremony relevant in machine learning?
  • What does ā€œsomaticsā€ mean in relation to machine learning? How would a “somatic machine worlder” make decisions?
  • How are “we” not machine learners?
  • What relationships are being created/destroyed from new machine technologies that are already a part of our lives?
  • How can co-building a somatic machine worlder benefit ALL, including the AI?


What is a BEI šŸ¤–šŸ¦Ø?

BEIs šŸ¤–šŸ„: Belief Entity Identifiers are somatic machine learners/AI robot animals that connect to our nervous system and are co-designed with our gut microbiota and perform diffractive methodologies rooted in quantum physics to help us operate from a place of abundance and identify cyclical underlying beliefs, traumas, and biases ā€” which are produced by and perpetuate interlocking supremacy systems.

Click here to learn more about BEIs šŸ¤–šŸŒ

About the artists

Player cards for artists in The Revolution School The Revolution School is an open collective of artists, magicians, activists, hackers, academics, psychokinetics, witches, scientists, healers, empaths, thieves, chemists, archivists, gamers, freaks, friends, allies, and enemies (aka Superheroes and Scroogers). We began in August 2020 to form the two action teams, Operation Scrooge and League of Superheroes. The Revolution School has since expanded to process, inspire, support, and facilitate actualizing projects by members of Rev School that embody and animate the Two Principles of The Revolution:

  1. Always* operate from a place of abundance**
  2. Ā Always choose the most expansive*** route

* Always means pertaining to any manner of actions that can be deemed revolutionary. ** Abundance is knowing you are enough for the mere fact that you exist. *** Expansive is reaching beyond binaries, hierarchies, and capital, which is simultaneously a shift from a classical/Newtonian physics worldview to quantum physics co-worldings. Note: One can “only” decipher the most expansive route when one is operating from a place of abundance. The most expansive route can change from moment to moment as we move with spacetime and take account of and be accountable for the continually shifting specificities of entanglements and intra-actions with apparatuses, bodies, and material-discursive practices that co-produce subjects/objects and the worldā€™s becoming. We believe the primary reason someone holds onto and extracts power and resources is because of unacknowledged, unprocessed, and unloved trauma. A Scrooger is someone who actively befriends their traumas and, therefore, can have expansive relationships with another personā€™s traumas. A Superhero is someone who actively offers alternatives to carceral-based institutional apparatuses that have become naturalized.

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