In a moment, where we must redefine success—making it more sustainable, making it more human centered, making it more responsive to values that have unfolded and revealed themselves in the last precarious and precious and informative years: how can we redefine success for our future working lives? What beliefs and doubts keep us from doing this essential work? And how will we restructure our roadmaps for this year and years ahead? Join our three-part workshop series meeting on Saturday, January 28, Saturday, February 18, and Saturday, March 11, 2023 at 11am PST on Zoom.
Dez Davis, The Rich Witch, is a transformational life & business coach (or advisor) for socially and spiritually conscious entrepreneurs with an emphasis on emotional freedom, prosperity, and conscious life design. She’s leading an entrepreneurial boot camp at FCCW in 2023, with monthly meetings in January, February, and March.
Our third session, on Saturday, March 11 from 11am–1pm PST on Zoom, is about Healing, Evolving, and Contributing.
Register for the March session
Find Dez’s worksheets for your post-workshop integration here: